What is Vintage Dual Sport ?
A Vintage Dual Sport is any Non-Current off road or older than 2003 Dual Sport motorcycle that can be plated for the highway and ridden off-road.
Generally speaking, if the item is older than 20 years, it falls under the term vintage..

A Classic 70’s Yamaha DT 400
’95 KTM LC4
Dual Sport rides are not competitions.
Dual Sport events do not generally have classes.
So a Vintage Dual Sport event would just be a place to show off your Vintage Dual Sport Motorcycle.
- Ride it, talk about, take pictures or swap parts.
- If you have a plated Vintage Motorcycle, and it is capable of traversing a few Mountain Passes on 2 track roads and dirt roads, bring it and ride it on the Vintage Loop for a day ?
- If you need an excuse to to work on that old motorcycle sitting in your garage…
- A Vintage Dual Sport ride is the perfect excuse to bring that Vintage machine up to snuff.
- You could conceivably navigate most Dual Sport loops on your Vintage Dual Sport Motorcycle.
- But would you really want to ?
- The thinking is to sign-up with your more current Dual Sport, plated dirt bike or your Adventure bike and ride your choice of loops.
- But bring your Vintage bike along and ride it for a day.
- Or 2. Or a few hours.

This loop to the Alpine tunnel with 2 fuel stops we be a fun loop on your Vintage Dual Sport
- Vintage Dual Sport Loops you could Navigate by GPS Tracks on your phone.
- Or if you want to stick with the old school theme, you could print, cut and tape a Roll Chart from the GPS Tracks Cue sheet.
- What is a Vintage Dual Sport Loop ?
- A whoop free fun dual sport loop with as little pavement as possible.
- A 90% dirt road loop with some 2 track sections and some Epic old railroad right-of-way.
The Palisades on the way to the Alpine tunnel
Vintage Honda Transalp
Vintage Adventure bikes could also fit in the mix.
You could set-up an Ez-Up and Swap Parts of just talk about swapping vintage parts
- Either way, Vintage Dual Sport could be a fun component of Dual Sport events.

Check out this event in Mid-August in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains:

X Roads Buena Vista takes place off of Trout Creek Pass and Hwy 24 & 285 near Buena Vista, Colorado.
- Hwy’s 24 & 285 are a true Crossroads of the Rockies.
- Just across the street from the X-Roads BV staging area is Carnage Canyon, Chinaman Gulch, the 4 Mile OHV Area and the Continental Divide.